3D Printing Fun

My deep love and ongoing frustration for the world of 3D Printing began when I found myself eager to learn how to create my very own cookie cutters. Instead of spending a small fortune on pre-made cutters from others, I decided to take a leap of faith and invest that money towards purchasing my very first printer. I thought to myself, "Why not give it a shot? It couldn’t be that hard, right?!?" Ha, ha, ha! WHAT WAS I THINKING! After many ups and downs, I eventually figured it all out, which included countless moments filled with tears and even some choice words directed at the printer(s) because, you know, they would surely listen and magically fix themselves, right? But then, something wonderful happened. I realized that I truly had the ability to do this, and while I may not be the biggest or most well-known cookie cutter business or the leading name in the 3D printing arena, I am absolutely committed to doing my best to produce high-quality items for my cherished customers. I will always make it a point to give credit to the talented individuals or companies who designed the 3D items that I sell, ensuring that I honor both their integrity and my own by obtaining permission to use and sell their creative works, especially when they are not originally mine.

Spotlight of the Month

Cookie Fix Friday Hot Cocoa Character

Cookie Cutter Fix Friday

  • Hot Chocolate Buddy with marshmallows is 3D printed on a Bambu P1S Printer using Matte White and Brown Filament.

    Profile: 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 10%infill

    Designed by: Torbjorn16 on MakerWorld and licensed to Tildy’s Cookie Corner, LLC for Commercial Printing. I am an Active Patreon Standard Member of Torbjorn16.

  • Each Print takes an hour. In most cases pickup can be the same day when ordering on its/their own for Local Pick up. If Shipping is required in most cases your item(s) will ship the next day via USPS.

  • Unfortunately due to licensing I am prohibited in making any customization.