It all began with a whimsical idea, one that blossomed and was beautifully fueled by a deep-seated love for charming and enchanting Gnomes. Each delightful Gnome is carefully crafted with great attention to detail by the immensely talented creators at FunFam3d, and they are proudly licensed to Tildy’s Cookie Corner to engage in the intricate and delightful process of 3D Printing. I have the wonderful ability to alter not only the sizing but also the vibrant and eye-catching colors of these captivating gnomes simply by selecting various brands and styles of filament during the 3D Printing process, making each piece a truly unique and personalized treasure that has been thoughtfully created just for you. If you happen to be interested in a specific gnome but would prefer different colors or styles, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact me via email, as I truly enjoy working closely with my customers to ensure you receive exactly the kind of item you are dreaming of and hoping for.